Asset Status

Easily identify asset allocation with 'Current Quantity Statistics' breakdown in the asset status window!

Access Asset Status 

Access this option via right click menu

OR from the information icon  

Access the Asset Status window from the Pick/Checkout window too....

Status Tab

The Scope for 'Barcode', 'Location/Region' and 'Disposal Type' (highlighted A & B below) limit the assets that appear in the grid. 

 Show asset movements

 Show last location the asset was scanned

Easily find asset in use, sold or disposed or in maintenance using the status tab.

Totals Tab

Totals tab shows totals for the location selected

Consolidated Tab

Consolidated tab shows the bookings that assets for this product are scanned on.    Only bookings for the location scope selected will be displayed.

Asset Movements

Review Asset movements for any asset

Asset Geo Location

See the last location the asset was scanned from (must allow access to locations from your browser during scanning)

Geo location can also be viewed from the Asset Status window