Venues are addresses that are often used for events or booking deliveries. Venues are managed from the main venue page where they can be added, edited or deleted. Changing any information on a venue will affect all the bookings that have this venue selected, this can be useful if a phone number or address information changes that needs to be applied to all bookings, but can be a problem if you need the existing booking to retain the old information.
Delivery Address
Delivery addresses are one off addresses that are only used on a specific booking; they can't be edited outside of that booking. Any delivery addresses entered will become available in the delivery address search window and will remain in the system until the booking is completely purged. Delivery addresses are useful for less used venues that you don't want to maintain on your venue list, or when you want to be sure the address doesn't change.
Venue Contact
The venue contact for a booking will be initially loaded from either the venue or delivery address selected, but can be modified without affecting the venue record. This way a person can be set as the venue contact for a specific job.
Please note that venues are not customers and have nothing to do with billing addresses or financial transactions. A venue is simply a destination for products being shipped from your warehouse.
Create a Venue
Add a new venue from the Venues-->Work menu per screenshot below.
Venue details are sorted under different tabs
Enter a new contact or select from pre-existing contacts.
Store a visual representation of a venue under the floorplan tab. RentalPoint is capable of referencing floor plans in .bmp, .jpg, .html, .htm and .pdf.
If there are any special considerations for a venue they can be entered into the notes section. These venue notes are maintained here and displayed on all bookings using this venue. This includes any bookings that have occurred in the past.
Edit a Venue
Open an existing venue from the Venues-->Work menu per screenshot below.
Delete a Venue
Venues can only be deleted (when not used on any bookings) from the Venues menu.
First highlight the venue on the grid, then choose the delete option from the work menu per screenshot below
If the venue is used on bookings it cannot be deleted since it is still in use. You'll see the message below and will need to remove the venue from any bookings it is referenced on before deleting it from the grid.
Confirm delete request in order to remove the venue from the database
Venue Tab in Booking
The venue tab of a booking displays information on where the booking will be shipped to or where the event will be held
While you can see venue information in the booking, to modify venue information, you must edit the actual venue record which will affect all bookings showing that venue information.