What is the Multi Location Module?
The RentalPoint multi location module is an additional module that may be purchased separately from your main software package. The module allows you to manage your inventory at multiple warehouse locations with the ability to transfer inventory between locations.
You'll need to upgrade your license to avail of multi-location features, please contact support@rentp.com for more information.
Using Multi-Locations in RentalPoint
When using a RentalPoint Multi-Location license, most features simply become 'location' aware as outlined below:
- On all multi-location systems, location 0 is your main location which is usually your current main office. Regions can also be used to further organize locations.
- Each user record has a default location (per settings in their operator record), so that on login the system is set to display the bookings at the default location assigned. Multi-location security is also available, please contact support@rentp.com to avail of these options in user setup.
- Inventory/Equipment becomes 'location' aware
- The Qty Owned field once you have moved to a multi-location system, becomes read only and not editable like it is in your current system. This is because a new 'Location' tab appears and this displays the number of items at each location.
- The location tab, now keeps track of where products are.
- Figures here can still be updated from one way transfers that may not have been completed yet. On completion of a one way transfer (i.e. check out from source and check in to destination OR archive of transfer booking), the stock qty for the source location is decremented while the stock count for the receiving location is incremented. Until the transfer is completed, it will show up on the running balance for stock movement.
- Stock packed in racks will also show here
- An asset record also becomes location aware showing both a 'Home Location' (i.e. ownership), and a Warehouse Location (i.e. current location of the asset)
- Figures here can still be updated from one way transfers that may not have been completed yet. On completion of a one way transfer (i.e. check out from source and check in to destination OR archive of transfer booking), the stock qty for the source location is decremented while the stock count for the receiving location is incremented. Until the transfer is completed, it will show up on the running balance for stock movement.
What’s the difference between a Location and a Region?
Depending on your company workflow, locations may be organized into regions. A region is not an actual physical entity, but rather a grouping of locations; it does not hold any inventory. For example, your company may have three warehouses in California and two in New York. You can enable regions and group the California warehouses into one region and the New York warehouses into a second region. The multi location module can be run with or without regions.
Regions are enabled via Operational Parameter #174.
Locations Setup
The details of all your locations are accessed via Setup –> Locations.
Once a location is saved in the system, it can be edited but not removed; This ensures that your historical data is maintained. When the multi location module is activated the system creates a default location. You can change any and all details for this location to make the information relevant to your company.
Terminology for location can be changed via Setup – Parameters – Terminology – General Tab.
Terminology for location can be changed via Setup –> Parameters –>Terminology –> General Tab.
Address Tab
Location Name The name used within the software (ie. drop down lists, internal reports etc.).
Company Name The name used on client facing documents (ie. Invoice).
Company Number Tax number used on client facing documents (ie. Invoice).
Main Address Also referred to as the billing address.
Map Address The physical location of the building. Used in the Get Directions functionality.
Status This option is only used when Auto transfer from satellite locations is enabled. (Setup – Parameters – Transfers).
If a satellite location (configured with a Status of Other) has a shortage, the system can create a transfer from the Main location to the satellite location.
Auto Transfer If the satellite location has a shortage, this setting determines if the stock is automatically transferred from the Main location to the satellite location.
Phones Tab
Holds phone numbers for the location
Accounting Tab
When integrating with an accounting package, this field determines where the transaction file is exported to.
You can configure account integration via Accounts #21.
Defaults Tab
The defaults used when creating a new booking for this location.
Email Tab
Configure email settings that can be used for your operators.
Regions Setup
Enabling Region Support allows you to manage your locations more effectively. As an example, you have several locations in the Eastern Time Zone, you can group them together within a region.
Enabling Region Support allows you to manage your locations more effectively. As an example, you have several locations in the Eastern Time Zone, you can group them together within a region. (Note: Regions support is only available if you have the multi-location version)
To use the regions functionality it must first be enabled. Go to the Parameters option of the setup menu. Open Operational #174 - Enable Region Support. Set this to Yes, then Ctrl F5 to update your parameters across RentalPoint.
The option for adding regions should now be available from your Setup menu.
Note also the region scope option at the bottom of the booking grid and on any form that location is available
To configure the regions, select the Regions option from the setup menu. By default the system will create a region for you, you can change the name to make it more descriptive. Once a Region has been added to the system it can be renamed but not deleted.
After entering Regions, go into Setup Locations and assign each of your locations to a Region.
Please note, once a Region has been created, you can rename it but not delete it. Bookings and other information in the system will still be linked to the region for reporting information.
Scope and Searching
The secondary scope in RentalPoint can also be sorted by regions. If you select a region from the secondary scope, any bookings that are assigned to that region, or to the locations in that region, are displayed. The secondary scope applies to other areas of RentalPoint, including the Shortages List, Products, and Purchase Orders.
When creating a booking, you can select a region from the list. Only the locations associated with that region display in the location drop down list.
Equipment Availability
Searching for equipment based on a region is quick and easy. Enabling Operational Parameter #127 – Equipment Search Location Sensitive displays an extra search tab in the equipment grid of the booking. Select the region, then continue entering your equipment as normal. Availability is based on location but the tree view and the search are based on the quantities in the region.
When entering a technician, the region in which they work can be specified. Then when a booking is created only those technicians that work in the region specified in the booking can be selected.
Custom Printing
When printing custom templates throughout the system, you can specify region specific templates. For example, your Eastern region may have different printouts then your Western region. Using the custom printing option, you can easily organize your templates, so the Eastern region does not accidentally use a Western region template.
Several reports in the system, such as the Booking Cross Section, Invoice Register and Revenue Report can be sorted by regions, making accounting duties much more simplified.