Sales Form Integration

Integrate Sales prospects from your website with RentalPoint3!

  1. New sales prospects click a link from your web site, fill out their contact details and general information, then send the request to you.
  2. Both you and the sales prospect will receive a confirmation email that the enquiry has been submitted
  3. You pick up the request in RentalPoint3 and use the information to generate a quote for their requirements.  

From your Website

1. New sales prospects click a link from your web site, 

2. They fill out their contact details and general requirements like the sample below

3. Click send, and wait for your reply!

4. Both the sales prospect and your office will receive an email confirmation that a request has been submitted

From RentalPoint3

5. In RentalPoint3, use the 'From web Enquiries' option as outlined below to load the enquiry details into a booking.

A new customer is created if it doesn't already exist

Equipment general requirements are populated in the equipment grid as comments.  

Use this information to add the actual equipment needed to complete the quote and send it!

Configure Sales Form Integration in RentalPoint3

Access the template from the setup menu

Then configure the form to suit your requirements

Click the  icon where available to hide/show some sections of the form or customize the caption for that section


Customized Sample

Customize the content of each section of the form as needed

 your customizations and  the form

Generate Website Link

Append 'AskForm' to the same link you use to access RentalPoint3 and add the link to your website.
