Create/Edit a Purchase Order


To create a new purchase order, right click in the PO grid, then click New or use the top menu icon.

To modify an existing purchase order, right click on the PO grid, then click Open or use the top menu icon

Once the PO is saved, clickto see the PO on the grid


The details tab contains information about the operator and the vendor that are involved in the order. Each operator has a PO limit, which is defined in the operator properties. This prevents operators from creating POs that exceed the acceptable amount.

The PO # will be assigned on save.


  1. A purchase order must be Approved before it can be posted or received, check the box in the status window to approve the PO
  2. The Invoice Status field offers four options for recording the invoice status of a purchase order.  Users would manually set the invoice status from within the Details tab of the Purchase Order.


The dates tab contains the delivery method and times of when equipment should be in the warehouse.

Check the box to include the PO arrival date on the delivery and return schedule if needed.


This tab contains all the equipment that you will be purchasing. As you enter equipment into the grid, RentalPoint will add up the cost from the cost price in the sales tab of the product properties.


 Add an item to the grid

 Edit the highlighted item on the grid

 Remove the highlighted item from the grid

Add a Sundry item

 Show shortages for the highlighted item

 Plot the highlighted product

 Display Running Balance for the highlighted product

 Display Availability Calendar for the highlighted product

Delivery Address

The default delivery address comes from the customer record or location for multi location systems.  

Clear the address to complete it manually.


 Ship to Contact

 Ship to Venue

 Copy Address from Booking

Ship to Warehouse Location

Clear address



Any extra information pertaining to the PO can be added here. Check the box to include PO notes on the printed purchase order.