Customer/Vendor account maintenance and financials
The Card file contains a list of the customers and vendors that your company does business with. Information stored includes contact, address, phone, notes, financial and account information. Access to sections of the information can be restricted to individual users via Operator Privileges where necessary. Identify vendors using the checkbox on the main screen
Fig 1.1
Use the icon OR right click on the card file grid to access the menu options (Fig 1.2 below)
Fig 1.2
Use the icon (fig 1.3 below) to control the types of record that show up on the grid (Fig 1.3 below)
Fig 1.3
Use the icon (see fig 1.4 below) to select the information that will display on the grid for each customer record (Fig 1.4 below)
Fig 1.4
Select the scope of the display from the drop down menu (Fig 1.5 below)
Fig 1.5
Search text (Fig 1.6) will search multiple fields for the text entered, all records that contain the search criteria will be returned to the grid (delete the search text to reset to unlimited search)
Fig 1.6
Use the icon to clear the search box (Fig 1.6 above)
Use the icon to refresh the grid (Fig 1.6 above)
From the Customer Grid, set up a new customer using the customer menu option (see fig 1.1 below)
Fig 1.1
Once you've entered the customer name and address, click through the additional tabs at the bottom of the form to complete customer setup (see Fig 1.2 below).
Fig 1.2
Vendors are identified within the customer record. Use the vendor checkbox to identify your customer as a vendor, then proceed to add contacts as below.
Within the Customer Record, maintain a list of associated contacts. The contact need only be set up in the database once and can then be linked with many customers/vendors if needed. New contacts can be added from within a customer record and/or existing contacts can be linked to the customer as outlined below.
Use the and checkboxes (Fig 1.1 below) against any contact record to identify the contact associated with that role in the company
Fig 1.1
Use the options in Fig 1.2 below to search for an existing contact record to link to this customer.
Fig 1.2
Once located, use to add the contact to the list of contacts for this customer OR to clear the search (Fig 1.3 below)
If added, the contact will appear on the grid (Fig 1.4 below)
Fig 1.4
Unlink or remove a contact from the list associated with this customer
Add a new contact to the database and link it to this customer
Edit an existing contact associated with this customer
Within the Customer Record, use icon (see Fig 1.1 below) to copy the company address to postal and/or contact address fields.
Fig 1.1
Within the Customer Record, use the Phones tab to store multiple contact phone options. These numbers can also be printed on output documentation like quotes, invoices, delivery sheets etc.
Access to financials can be limited via operator privileges. This tab contains information on the financial status of the customer, the price scheme the customer is on, insurance, taxes etc. Financial operations (i.e. statement printing etc) are performed via the Financials menu option outside the customer record.
Use the if needed to set up default stages for multiple stage invoicing (Fig 1.1 below)
Fig 1.1
Record the email address of the person to whom invoices and statements should be sent to in Account Receivable 'AR Email Address'.
RentalPoint will maintain payment figures and last payment details based on invoices and payments processed in the system. These information can be used to narrow the scope for Statement production and financial reports.
Within the Customer Record, maintain customer notes from the notes tab. Notes can be stamped with date and time of entry and included on customer reports/queries as needed.
Permanently Remove Credit Card and/or custom field details from: