New Articles

  1. Understanding the Booking Control Panel

    AKA the Booking Grid, all Bookings entered into RentalPoint can be accessed from here. Click the tabs below to find out how to narrow your booking scope, organize booking columns, understand colours used and what the icons beside bookings mean.   ...
  2. Equipment Lists

    Save selected equipment from any booking to a text file, so that it can easily be re-loaded to the equipment grid of other bookings!
  3. Equipment Grid

    Icons located at the top of the equipment grid explained!
  4. Inventory Treeview

    RentalPoint uses a Treeview Structure (Fig A below) to organize and manage the inventory your company will make available for Rental or Sale.  Inventory must be entered here before it can be added to the equipment grid of a booking. Please take ...
  5. Asset Status

    Easily identify asset allocation with 'Current Quantity Statistics' breakdown in the asset status window! Access Asset Status  Access this option via right click menu OR from the information icon   Access the Asset Status wind...
  6. Running Balance

  7. Plot Sheet

  8. Availability Calendar

  9. Roadcases and Racks

  10. Rental/Sales Inventory

    Inventory Setup/Modification RentalPoint uses an Inventory Treeview structure (Fig A below) to organize and manage the inventory your company will make available for Rental or Sale.  Inventory must be entered here before it can be added t...