Last Updated: 26/04/2023
in Purchase Orders
There are several status levels for a purchase order: Approved – the purchase order has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate people. Posted – the purchase order is ready to be ordered from the supplying company. Received – the pur...
Pick equipment for a booking using the RentalPoint Warehouse Prep mobile app OR from the RentalPoint Desktop menu. Real time updates allow multiple users to pick from the same list of equipment simultaneously! Picked assets are considered still in...
Find and Add Products to the Equipment Grid of the booking
Last Updated: 14/02/2024
The Purchase Order Grid Operations Create/Edit Duplicate Approve Post Receive Print View Attachments/Audit Trail Archive Unlock ...
Last Updated: 27/08/2021
in Customers, Contacts & Venues
Once RentalPoint3 is configured to work with QuickBooks Online, every time you produce an invoice or credit, the information will be stored and ready to export to QuickBooks Online.
Last Updated: 25/05/2021
in Booking/Event Management
Booking Venue Information is accessible under three sub menu General Venue Information 1. Venue v's Delivery Address....What's the difference? A Venue/Delivery Address is simply a destination for products being shipped from your warehou...
Last Updated: 24/08/2023
in Crew Management
These are services that your company offers via your technicians. Labour Products must exist in inventory before they can be added to a booking.
The freight section allows for setup of the various pickup/delivery options offered to clients when booking equipment & services. Freight is set up outside the booking (usually during initial data setup) and selected during booking entry.
The RentalPoint Audit Trail functionality records actions of operators throughout the system. Each entry has a date time stamp, the action being recorded and the operator that performed that action. The audit trail can be enabled or disabled via Ope...