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  1. Equipment Grid

    Icons located at the top of the equipment grid explained!
  2. New Customer/Vendor

    From the Customer Grid , set up a new customer using the  customer menu option (see fig 1.1 below) Fig 1.1 Once you've entered the customer name and address, click through the additional tabs at the bottom of the form to complete customer set...
  3. Approve a Purchase Order

    There are several status levels for a purchase order: Approved – the purchase order has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate people. Posted – the purchase order is ready to be ordered from the supplying company. Received – the pur...
  4. Browser Support

    Address known issues with your browser when using RentalPoint3
  5. Postal Address

    Within the Customer Record, use  icon (see Fig 1.1 below) to copy the company address to postal and/or contact address fields. Fig 1.1 ...
  6. Operator Privileges & Parameters

    Group Privileges Operator Privileges governing access to Purchase Order menu options can be found on the 'Products and POs' tab of the Operator Group. First access Setup-->Lists, then find the Operator List and edit the Operator Group to modify pr...
  7. Contacts Control Panel

    Fig 1.1 - reference the number on the screenshot against the index below for more detail 1. Access to the Contacts Action menu 2. Use to select columns to display on the grid 3. Select Contact Scope allows for a more targeted view of contac...
  8. Add Crew to a Booking

    Both Crew Parameters and Labor Products must be set up before adding crew in the crew tab of a booking When editing a booking, the left hand menu organizes information under the following headings:  The services you will charge the...
  9. DocuSign

    RentalPoint3 can be configured to connect with your subscription to DocuSign, in order to request and receive digital signatures from clients when requesting quotes, booking hardcopies, etc. DocuSign is a third-party application, and a subscription is necessary to use this functionality.
  10. Payment terms

    How to offer payment terms for larger amounts or jobs