Last Updated: 15/05/2023
in Schedules & Shortages
The Shortages Grid When a booking is saved that contains shortages, an entry is added to the Shortages grid. Entries in the Shortages grid are cleared when they are no longer short. The Shortages grid will not display shortages for bookings...
Tax Authorities Defined RentalPoint is capable of storing several different taxes that can be used when a business has a wide operating area. There are times when bookings are created in another branch that can be in another area of the country o...
Permanently Remove Credit Card and/or custom field details from: Bookings within the scope selected Customer/Vendor Records Contact Records Expand/Collapse each section via the blue arrow icon Only fields selected and within the date ran...
Last Updated: 24/02/2023
in Booking/Event Management
Access the Booking Print Menu from the top menu bar or via right click option All saved booking documents are attached to the booking and visible via the view-->attachments option Quote Access via Print-->Custom menu option Select a te...
Scan options available for RentalPoint3 Keyboard Wedge Connect a 'keyboard wedge' barcode scanner to your device. When scanned, barcode input is received as text in the same way input from a keyboard is received. Bluetooth Scanner Connect vi...
The Card file contains a list of the customers and vendors that your company does business with. Information stored includes contact, address, phone, notes, financial and account information. Access to sections of the information can be restrict...
Used in conjunction with Locations, regions are used to group specific locations together. A company with 4 locations, 2 in Eastern Timezone and 2 Pacific Timezone, might create an Eastern and Pacific region, then slot the relevant locations under ...
Last Updated: 26/04/2023
in Purchase Orders
Archiving is a tool designed to improve performance and remove the clutter of non-relevant or old items in the RentalPoint system database. Archive a single received purchase order from the Purchase Order Grid via the Admin menu Archived POs...
Access to financials can be limited via operator privileges. This tab contains information on the financial status of the customer, the price scheme the customer is on, insurance, taxes etc. Financial operations (i.e. statement printing etc) are p...
Last Updated: 26/04/2023
in Purchase Orders
An option to print the Purchase Order is provided on save You can also print any highlighted PO from the Print menu Highlight the template you would like to use, then check/uncheck template options as needed and click to proceed Save or se...